The Secret Sauce – Psst, it’s Not a Secret

The Secret Sauce – Psst, it’s Not a Secret

By Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman
Author of Be Sure You Dance:  Life’s lessons to make every moment count,
Embracing Life’s Lessons and Is Anybody Listening?  ·

Since Jack in the Box advertised it added a “secret sauce” to its burgers, advertisers have taken the concept of the secret sauce to a new level.  The term now has a life of its own, lending itself to developing a variety of meanings, while simultaneously oozing into the empowerment and self-help arena.  It is infused in just about every conversation, and we are always urged to discover the secret sauce.

Many successful entrepreneurs and writers have stated that the secret sauce is a myth. 

I am often asked what my secret is.  What is my secret sauce?  My secret sauce, like Jack in the Box, is not a secret at all.  The term secret sauce most likely derived from the term “saucier, which is a culinary term for the expert use of béchamel, veloute, espagnolo, hollandaise and tomato to create an unlimited number of other sauces.  Even though it is not a secret, it is a discovery.

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

During my life, I have overcome teenage pregnancy, homelessness, and financial ruin.  The tools I used to overcome this turmoil and adversity was not a secret.  It was a discovery.  I was given the choice of living a life filled with poverty and crime or create a life filled with abundance and happiness.  As far as I was concerned, I was not given a choice.  The only acceptable outcome for me was abundance and joy.   I said yes to success. That meant I had to get out of my way.  So the question is what did I do daily to create an abundant life? 

I accepted the fact that I was responsible for my successes and my failures. I clinically dissected my failures not to allow the negative emotions get in the way.  Like when you treat a cold.  You don’t waste precious time trying to figure out “why me,” instead you start to look for solutions. 

Secret Ingredient #1 - Re-evaluate Your Plan - I reevaluated my plan.  I asked myself fundamental questions.  How much time did I spend planning?  Did I include the possibility of obstacles?  Did I consider what I would do if things went well?  What would I do if things went extremely well? What would I do if everything went as planned? 

Secret Ingredient #2 - Set Goals - I learned to set goals and milestones and to plan for things not going as I may have hoped.  Science has proven that 92% of people do not achieve their objectives because they did not set goals. 

Secret Ingredient #3 - Work Your Plan - Working your plan requires commitment.  Do not trust your success to the daily whims of life.  I recommend the Jack Canfield’s Rule of Five.  Do five things daily toward achieving your goals.  Some days will be tedious, but it will always be worth it.  In spite of how you may feel, do it anyway.   Keep a list of your daily activities so that you can review your plan and your action steps regularly. 

Secret Ingredient #4 - Gratitude - Science has proven that people who are grateful are happier, healthier, and earn more.  Daily, list five things for which you are grateful.  If writing them down does not work for you, think about them before you go to sleep.  You will find that you may sleep better also.

Secret Ingredient #5 - Spiritual Practice - This practice will allow you to delve deeper into who you really are and connect you to your Higher Power, your Divine Self.  You can sit quietly and meditate, listen to music, read something inspiring, practice forgiveness (this is a must).  Consistent spiritual practices will lift your mood; expand your mental clarity, quiet mental chatter to allow answers and information to flow to you quickly.

So just like the “Saucier” it only takes a few ingredients, and you can create the secret sauce for your life.

Dream Big!  Live the life you have imagined. 

Remember, life is too short to drink cheap champagne. 

Stephanie, a Success Mindset Mentor, has the uncanny ability to help others transform their emotional and mental obstacles into stepping stones to living their dreams.  She has an insatiable appetite for assisting others to achieve the impossible.  Stephanie works with others to recognize, uncover and reconcile painful feelings, hidden secrets and memories that are affecting their financial health and the health of their families. She lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc., the author of 3 books and the Host of the television show "A Sip of Inspiration,” and  She is also a regular contributor to The MetaMonthly Magazine, Champagne and Beyond Magazine,, and Ezine Articles.
