Letting Go

Letting Go
By Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman
Author of Be Sure You Dance:  Life’s lessons to make every moment count,
Embracing Life’s Lessons and Is Anybody Listening?
www.champagneconnection.com  ·  www.asipofinspiration.com

     Every individual is created by a being that is the essence of pure love. We are all one mind and one spirit with total freedom to choose: love or fear. 
     As we slowly awaken to more of our true nature, we begin to shed the pieces of armor we created in fear. Not trusting our innate desire to love, we oftentimes seek substitutions. We have been taught that more money, the right job, meeting the right people, experiencing a particular high or having the perfect love relationship will give us the love we so wholeheartedly seek.  Not being able to fully understand that because we are created in love, we can never become separated from it, is what causes all of our problems.  All we need to do is say good-bye to the barriers of love we have constructed. 
     The Divine continuously nudges us toward the path that is sure to help us in dissolving these barriers. Frequently, after we have received the intuitive prompting to leave a job, terminate a relationship, take better care of our bodies, etc., we ignore it. We allow our thoughts to become anxious and focus on “what shall we eat” and not on the power of the universe to nurture and sustain us. 
     Each path (i.e., jobs, relationships, and projects) we travel has one purpose—to uncover our perfection. Holding on to habits, things or people is what causes us grief. 
     Because our human consciousness refuses to embrace our perfection, we are in a constant state of turmoil. We agonize over the obstacles blocking our view with numerous questions and fewer answers, such as, is this the right job? Am I in the right relationship? Do I have enough money? We keep coming up with more questions and fewer answers. When we let go and trust the Divine, all of our concerns will be taken care of.  Our job is simple. It is to just be. 
     Let go of all concerns held in mind right now, realizing every thought you have will recreate itself at some level in the outer. Open your mind and see that letting go is a necessary part of reconnecting to your center.
     When we reconnect to our true selves, the universe will send various teachers to help us identify the obstacles necessary to overcome. We must strive to know that any adversity or pain in our lives is to get us to look at what is happening within. Painful conditions, emotions, and experiences have nothing to do with others. People and circumstances come into our lives to bring a blessing or to be blessed.
     Every time you experience something that makes you “feel bad” or causes you to “express anger,” dare to look deeply within and ask “what am I really feeling?” and “have I felt this way before?” Most of our reactions are to things in the past that we have not truly released and forgiven.
      As “good Christians” we often decide negative feelings are to be dismissed immediately.  Until we are willing to resolve the underlying causes for any negative feelings, nothing has been truly forgiven and circumstances will continue to appear until we have resolved them.
     You owe it to yourself to let go, and let Spirit show you how.

Stephanie, a Success Mindset Mentor, has the uncanny ability to help others transform their emotional and mental obstacles into stepping stone to living their dreams.  She has an insatiable appetite for helping others achieve the impossible.  She lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc., the author of 3 books and the Host of the television show "A Sip of Inspiration”, http://www.asipofinspiration.com and http://www.champagneconnection.com.  She is also a regular contributor to The MetaMonthly Magazine, Champagne and Beyond Magazine, www.champagneandbeyond1.com, and Ezine Articles. 
