
We have entered this earth plane with our road map safely tucked and etched into our spirits, our inner self. Our purpose is defined in spiritual terms, not worldly or human terms. We are able to interpret this instruction manual only after we have totally and completely surrendered our human will to the perfect guidance of the Universal Intelligence.


Compassion said…
The Key word being surrender. Unfortunately some of us will not know that feeling because we refuse to give in, let go, total surrendering to Spirit. If for one brief moment we could step out of our human form and see Spirit for what it truly laid out to be for us...We could have so much more inner peace.
bigbyrd23 said…
Inner peace comes with truth and to find the truth we must search for the light. Only then will we honestly be able to say that we have found inner peace. It is a great journey that we call life that takes us on many different paths, but all of the paths that we take are the same ones that define us as a person. I truly believe that once the light is found a person will truly understand what peace is.