When making decisions, do not judge yesterday by the information you have today; the best decision possible was made with information available at that time. There is no such thing as a bad decision. All decisions lead you along the path that will introduce you to yourself. It is only through seeming adversity that we become intimate with who we really are, how we truly feel and what we need to learn. asipofinspiration.blogspot.com


bigbyrd23 said…
I think that your absolutely right! Not to bring in prior judgement into the decisions that you make. The path that people chose to take is always their own, but make no mistake that they will always intertwine with others. Live with no regrets but always live, do not exist. Life is journey, we all have to make choices day in and out. Learning is the key to excelling and today with your words I have excelled.
Compassion said…
The dynamics of living is to love the life you have. You are the master of your destiny. Learn to listen to the voice of Spirit is the beginning. Then listen to your Soul...that inner voice that we sometime ignore. If you are not happy with your life...fix it. Starting right where you are. Starting right now.