The Doors We Open

In this lifetime, we are presented with a multitude of choices. The choices we make will open doors that are filled with endless possibilities. Choose the doors you open carefully for this path will affect your life in ways you cannot begin to imagine. Your choices are and will always be reflected in your human experience. Are you opening the door in front of you because of fear and anger or are you choosing the door from a place of love and service? Be well acquainted with the emotions that are driving your choices for these will determine the course of your life.


Compassion said…
Often our doors that we open are due to fear. Running away from the life that we're living now instead of embracing it. Choices call for wisdom. Just how we make them based on the issues we hold close to our hearts and mind. We often reach out...looking for the other door, hoping things will turn out better. What did we learn...where is the wisdom.