Shattered Assumptions

Shattered Assumptions

At the very essence of our human existence is a belief system that serves as a catalyst for the actions which form our life. These beliefs and assumptions mold our interactions with friends, coworkers, lovers, family members, etc. We assume certain facts will always remain true.

Because life is full of abrupt twists and turns, the assumptions, which form our belief systems, are often shattered. This causes intense emotional pain that consumes every atom and molecule in our body leaving us writhing in despair, with no where to turn for comfort. We then start to questions our very existence. Every action and decision in our past is suspect. The value of our accomplishments is diminished while our pain intensifies our failures. Finally, in agony, we cry out “If there is a God, why have You forsaken me?” It is at this point, the healing process can begin.

True, permanent healing is not easy, but it is necessary if we are to experience the wonders of the universe. Rest assured, after this crisis has been dealt with and you have healed, these will be other turning points and all of them will seem to rock the calm peace of your soul.

These growth periods are always meant to teach us to be more loving, to “love the harshest of enemies and the vilest of demons.” They are there to teach us to free ourselves from earthly appearances, human conditions, and graven images and to focus solely on the pure essence of life – love.

Anyone who has spent their days in the flow of life, knows to live your faith and convictions in the more difficult thing to do. A course in Miracle emphasizes that the ego’s constant battle is to convince us we are separate from the power that created us. It is this belief in being separate that causes us to experience shattered assumptions. By focusing on our oneness with Spirit, using “righteous judgment,” a deeper awareness of the Divine will begin to unfold. The willingness to start depending on Spirit is paramount to our healing.

Remember, live the life you have imagined. Dream Big.


Tigerstyle said…
Bravo...I agree with your opening statement...but what is the answer to an old question that seems to haunt man. If Spirit Loves us so much and gives us only serves to do us good. How does so much bad...happen to people who are good.
Compassion said…
I may be wrong...but I believe people attract things in their lives based upon the energy they send out. For example if you concentrate on bad things...don't be surprised when they happen. Or if you or being biblical...God causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike.
Living the life you've imagined required diligence. We talk about bad, agree with bad, think about bed and of course, bad manifesrs. The universe gives what we request. It doesn't derermine good or bad, it just gives. Watch the request that are made; we spend 20 minutes praying and 16 hours talking about "bad". Try reversing the pattern. Pray, think and act with good words, actions and thought for 16 hours. Then witness the miracle.
Trying again, this time without typos. Living the life you've imagined requires diligence. We talk about bad, agree with bad, think about bad and of course, bad manifests. The universe gives what we request. It doesn't determine good or bad, it just gives. Watch the request that are made; we spend 20 minutes praying and 16 hours talking about "bad". Try reversing the pattern. Pray, think and act with "good" words, actions and thought for 16 hours. Then witness the miracle.
Anonymous said…
Hi Stephanie,
I saw your picture next to mine in Meta Monthly over an article which features a information about both of our blogs; so, I decided to visit yours. I like what I see here, and I just want to let you know that I am going to add this site to my blog roll. Know that you are blessed and are a blessing to this world. Keep up the good work.
Blessings of Love, Peace and Joy,