No Days Off

No Days Off

Making positive changes in your life is a serious endeavor, never to be taken lightly. Putting off until tomorrow what needs to be done today is not only self-defeating, it also complicates your life, making it harder and harder to experience permanent, positive change.

In this world of instant breakfast, miraculous cures, mail order brides, wonder drugs and overnight healing, we begin to believe that achieving success and changing our lives can be instantly accomplished with a set of rote prayers we rehearse daily. When we are unable to manifest change, we ask why. After all, we said our affirmations and prayers; we asked for help with our forgiveness issues; we listened to our “positive thinking tapes.” Nonetheless, we often neglect to finish the task at hand.

Identifying existing weaknesses is not enough. We must take positive steps to correct all errors. Changing your life requires honest confrontation with uncomfortable issues on a daily basis. Insisting upon remaining in the places we feel the most comfortable, makes any new growth impossible.

Infinite Kindness uses every circumstance imaginable to highlight our growth areas. Everything we experience has nothing to do with others; it is our lesson, our moment of truth.

Being dedicated to your true development will lead you into many uncharted waters. It is up to you. At every point during this journey, we make choices. We choose love or fear. Choosing love guarantees we emerge a new person. Shedding behavior patterns that are no longer for our highest good, will be the hardest, most difficult road to travel, but it will by far be the most rewarding.

If your most inner desire is to be as the Creator sees us, there are no days off. You must begin now to polish your most prized possession – YOU.

Remember, live the life you have imagined. Dream Big.
