Life is Perfect

Life is Perfect

The process of life is a perfect vehicle of growth designed and created by the Divine Presence. Because life is perfect, we are doing exactly what we should be doing in order to feed our soul and further our spiritual journey. There are no mistakes. It is our perception that needs to be adjusted. We must release all perceived mistakes. Forgive and love yourself, and begin to focus on the perfection of God’s life, your life.

Practice forgiving and loving yourself daily. Look into the mirror, realizing that you are God’s beloved and say to yourself “God loves you, I love you and all is well.” In all circumstances, concentrate on all things, excellent, commendable, honorable, and pure; give thanks, for God is in the midst of all you feel and experience. During the course of our human path, we will not always live up to the expectations or remain within the boundaries and limitations we have defined for our lives. These seeming failures are always filled with bursts of joy. Life does not always go according to our plan because we are not the master planner. Forgive these detours; love yourself by vowing to judge your actions with right judgment – God’s judgment.

Remember, live the life you have imagined. Dream Big.


Compassion said…
What happens when there is conflict within what the heart feels and the thoughts that are ru nning through your mind. We know that forgiving ourselves and others is the right thing to do but sometimes you can not. How do you forgive betrayal, or how do you forgive yourself for doing something wrong for what may seem to be the right reason at the time.