Jump Start Your Life

Jump Start Your Life

We forget that our conversations, thoughts, imagination and feelings serve as fuel to spark our experiences. Joy, inner peace and tranquility are not dependent upon outer conditions; we have the power in any moment to change our lives. No matter where we find ourselves, our mind, thoughts and imagination are the keys to resurrecting our life.

Experiences occur in our lives based upon our beliefs; we are living what we believe and not what we pray for. This is an indication that we have allowed our imaginations to become limited.

The mind is the source of creativity; choose thoughts consistent with your dreams and use your imagination to “see yourself” living your dreams. In spite of any circumstance, choose positive self-talk; choose to create positive, uplifting mental images.

To improve the quality of your demonstrations, strive to live in the moment. We give more power and energy to worldly concerns than we do to the power of our thoughts. In order to experience your overcoming so you can live your best life now, take responsibility for all your actions. No one is a victim; we are all volunteers.

Live the life you have imagined. Dream Big.


Compassion said…
Question...How long should one imagine that they are living a good life. Often times when we daydream, or spend our time imagining things reality can come up and serve you a very cold dish. Is this what we prayed for or what we imagined would happen.
Keith McDonald said…
It is always a pleasure to recieve a sip of inspiration from you. As you continue to succeed, I will continue to take a sip of your inspiration. Oh! Nice Blog. Thank you for sharing.
Sporty King said…
Lessons Intended For Everyone
Thank you for pouring your lessons into the lives of the many who would relish each sip... and those who should.
Compassion said…
Sips of life...how can one determine how full his or her glass. Spirit carries back the messages we want God to understand...or listen. We want more...but sometimes just don't know how to say it.
You use your power to visualize/imagine for as long as it takes. If you spend some time each day visualizing the things you want in your life, your demonstration will come. However, people often use the power of visualizing negatively. We use our time fantasizing about lack...lack of money, poor health, bad relationships. Opposite cannot occupy the same space, so vasiliating between good outcomes and troublesome outcomes will result in mixed results. The most important thing is to learn the lessons at hand so you don't have to repeat the experience.