Easier Than You Think

Easier Than You Think

Life is filled with change and uncertainty. The media has become a double-edged sword. We are given information to maneuver through the upcoming days while being convinced there is a shortage of everything we need for a good life.

Our society is filled with examples of opposites. We are bombarded with the lifestyles of the “rich and famous” and made to feel guilty our names do not appear on any of the Forbes List. We are rocked to sleep by the problems of the disenfranchised and reminded this could happen to us at any moment.

Fortunately, we decide the state of our lives. If you do not like the landscape of your life, changing is easier than you believe. Nothing is impossible. It does not take a lifetime to change a life. It takes a firm commitment.

The process to change your life is simple. It requires changes in your vision, “what you see” and your words, “what you say.”

Break your addiction to negatives by finding something to be grateful for. In a short period a time, you will have more for which to be thankful.

Live the life you have imagined. Dream Big.


Tigerstyle said…
Sounds good...I agree, changing ones interpretation of what is reality can make help them to change thier reality...if this is what you're saying....but where does God play his role in all of this...do we disgard him?
God, or Infinite Kindesss, can never be disregarded. It is this Essence that is back of and woven into everything that exists. Unfortunately, we often live our lives in the absence of God instead of the presence of God. In other words, we talk about and concentrate on the "bad' things; we hardly ever praise, revere and talk about all the "good" things that are happening in our lives. The promise is, is you keep your mind stayed on Thee, all things will be added. If we train ourselves to see the good, talk about the good, then more good will be added to our lives.
Sporty King said…
3 Cheers... especially in agreeing with you about embracing a positive vocabulary. Words go into the spirit, and so as we unleash them into the atmosphere guess who hears "ours" the most? I believe we should also work toward becoming more comfortable in talking about how good we are, as individuals. Being hooked on being humble won't make people seek you out... you will eventually happen upon success. I'm dreaming big with you 'Doc'... ;-)
Compassion said…
Are words speak power...and our words go to the Spirit...our actions should speak volumes. So are we to assume the more good we do...the more good things will come to us...
Compassion said…
What I mean to say...is what about Karma...are we talking more so about works and deeds....or just having faith.